How to Inspire Community to Care About Education

How to Inspire Community to Care About Education

Senin, 24 Juli 2023 – 19:43 WIB

Cirebon – In an effort to support the education sector in Indonesia, SiCepat Express, a leading logistics company, organized a school supplies donation program during the National Children‘s Day, which falls on July 23rd every year.

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The program aims to improve access to education for children in the regions of Cirebon and Karawang in West Java province.

SiCepat Express distributed more than 5,000 school items, including stationery, coloring materials, school bags, study desks, drawing books, reading books, and educational toys, to eight Early Childhood Education (PAUD) institutions scattered across the area.

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The symbolic handover of the school supplies donation was carried out by Rangga Andriana, the Manager of Corporate Communication, representing SiCepat Express, to Tati Setiawati, the Chairwoman of Yayasan Al-Ghifari, located in the city of Cirebon.

Wiwin Dewi Herawati, Chief Marketing and Corporate Communication of SiCepat Express, stated that this Corporate Social Responsibility program was initiated to provide benefits and motivation to children in their learning process. Through the donation of school supplies, they hope that children will feel more motivated and enthusiastic in their pursuit of knowledge.

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“In addition, this initiative aims to inspire the community to be more concerned about the education sector, especially early childhood education,” she said in an official statement, quoted on Monday, July 24, 2023.

Halaman Selanjutnya

The school supplies donation program received active support from all employees of SiCepat Express. As an expression of their concern and participation, employees actively contributed to gathering the school supplies donations, resulting in the program’s success with a total donation of more than 5,000 items.


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