Jumat, 14 Juli 2023 – 18:30 WIB
Jakarta – Recently, the United Nations (UN) said that the disease of AIDS can be ended by 2030, if the governments of the world are serious about stopping it.
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“We have a solution, if we follow the leadership of countries that have forged a strong political commitment to put their people first and invest in evidence-based HIV prevention and treatment programs,” the UNAIDS agency stated.
Adopting non-discriminatory laws and community empowerment, among other initiatives, are effective responses to HIV, the agency added.
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UNAIDS said that ending the disease is, above all, a political and financial choice, “Success can be achieved in this decade,” said UNAIDS Executive Director Winnie Byanyima.
“The end of AIDS is an opportunity for today’s world leaders to be remembered as the people who succeeded in stopping the world’s deadliest disease.”
Byanyima said that the greatest progress in the fight against HIV, the virus that causes AIDS, has been made in countries and regions that have invested strongly.
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Then, Bnyanyima cited eastern and southern Africa, where HIV infections have dropped 57 percent since 2010. Botswana, Eswatini, Rwanda, Tanzania and Zimbabwe have achieved the so-called 95-95-95 target.